
9 Health Benefits Of Eating Pumpkin Seeds Every Day


9 Health Benefits Of Eating Pumpkin Seeds Every Day

Pumpkin seeds are highly nutritious. They may be small but they pack loads of nutrients. Just a handful of seeds give you a generous amount of natural zinc, healthy fats and magnesium.

Today we will be discussing in this article several health benefits of eating pumpkin seeds. Can they protect you against certain cancers? What about the effect on your heart and brain? Can they boost your prostate health? What about their impact on your blood sugar can dieters eat pumpkin seed will be discussing all of these and more.

1-Improves your sleep:

Do you find yourself surfing the internet late at night the modern lifestyle is not exactly sleep-friendly there are a number of reasons for people to avoid sleep whether you're busy with a work assignment or binging Netflix if you're trying to sleep pumpkin seeds can help they have a type of amino acid that puts you to sleep just one gram of this amino acid is enough to send you into a deep sleep wondering how many pumpkin seeds you need for that single gram about 7 oz in this case just a handful will do the thinking these nutritious seeds convert to sleep-promoting amino acid is serotonin then changes into a hormone known for regulating your sleep cycle wait that's not all there's magnesium to research has proven magnesium to be very effective for healthier sleep what time do you go to sleep do you get eight hours every day share your preferences with the bestie community in the comments below.

2-Lots of fiber:

Personal question but are you constipated often do you get hunger cravings in between meals pumpkin seeds make for an excellent snack in that case there are rich sources of dietary fiber that promotes good Digestive Health fiber increases the bulk of your stool softener thing it and helping with the easy passage, in short, consuming healthpumpkin seeds helps to get rid of constipation dietary fiber also keeps you full longer preventing hunger cravings so if you've been feeling hungry after meals include pumpkin seeds in your diet a single ounce of shelled pumpkin seeds weighing about 28 grams first you more than one gram of fiber high-fiber diets have been strongly associated with a reduced risk of obesity heart disease and type 2 diabetes looking for answers on all the latest health and wellness news hit that subscribe button and join our millions of followers stay up to date on all of our great Bessie content.

3-Lowers blood sugar:

If you're diabetic eating pumpkin seeds along with your treatment might promote your blood sugar levels that's not just a saying that research has proven that taking pumpkin seed powder or pumpkin juice reduces blood sugar levels and people with type 2 diabetes so what's making pumpkin seeds to effective for maintaining blood sugar the answer lies in magnesium a study found that a magnesium-rich diet lower diabetes risk by 33 percent of men and 34 percent in women the next time you're craving a healthy snack get some roasted pumpkin seeds.

4-Improves heart health:

One healthier heart-eat pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds have everything you need to keep your heart healthy not just magnesium but B bats antioxidants and zinc high blood pressure and cholesterol are two important risk factors for heart disease pumpkin seed oil are proven to reduce both one particular study involving postmenopausal women found pretty positive results the 12-week study revealed that pumpkin seed oil supplements increase good cholesterol by 16% and reduce diastolic blood pressure by 7% wondering what diastolic blood pressure is the bottom number of your blood pressure reading so how does pumpkin seed do that good research says pumpkins have the ability to increase nitric oxide in the body which in turn has a positive impact on your hearts Health nitric oxide expands your blood vessels which improves your blood flow and reduces the plaque growth in your arteries.

5-Very high in magnesium:

I know and we mentioned magnesium I'm going to go but we figured it needed its own entry it's just that important diets often lack magnesium which leads to a number of problems magnesium deficiencies so common that around 79% of adults in the US are getting below the suggested intake so why is magnesium so important well this mineral is involved in more than 600 chemical reactions in the body not only will it protect your heart and blood sugar but it also maintains your bones so the next time you're thinking about increasing your magnesium count get some pumpkin seeds instead of chocolate they're healthier and carry fewer calories there's no sugar overload either.

6-Good for your bladder health:

If you want to reduce your risk of prostate problems eat pumpkin seeds they can help relieve the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH this particular disease causes problems with your nation and enlargement of the prostate gland research has found that by eating pumpkin seeds you can reduce Dizzy's one particular study reported that eating pumpkin seeds reduce symptoms of BPH and improved quality of life got an overactive bladder pumpkin seeds can help with that to experts suggest eating pumpkin seeds or taking supplements that can ease symptoms of an overactive bladder one study found that people with an overactive bladder took 10 grams of pumpkin seed extract daily and it improved their urinary function.

7-Reduced risk of cancer:

Pumpkin seeds can reduce your risk of certain cancers research has found that diets rich in pumpkin seeds are associated with a reduced risk of breast stomach long: and prostate cancers a study found that when postmenopausal women eat pumpkin seeds the risk of developing breast cancer reduced drastically breast cancer the answer lies in lignans found in the seeds experts have found that lignans can decrease your chances of breast cancer other Studies have found seeds to be very useful and slowing down the growth across cancer in short if you want to lessen your likelihood of prostate: or breast cancer eat pumpkin seeds.

8-Lots of antioxidants:

Pumpkin seeds are Powerhouse of antioxidants especially vitamin D in karate kids but why are antioxidants so important well they protect your body from damage caused by aging sunlight pollution and stress-free radical damage your body cells causing further inflammation antioxidants like the ones found in pumpkin seeds fight off these free radicals, as a result, your cells are safe and unharmed while the inflammation in your body produces experts say the high level of antioxidants in pumpkin seeds give them the reputation of being awesome for health these antioxidants protect your body from a number of diseases.

9-Filled with nutrition:

Just one ounce of shell free pumpkin seed has roughly 150 calories the majority of which are protein and fat in addition you also get lots of fiber 5 grams of carbs 7 the protein in 13 grams of fat around six grams of this bad is from omega-6s you also get a generous amount of phosphorus vitamin K manganese and iron I don't even need to remind you about magnesium again the best part of these highly nutritious sees is that they're incredibly easy to add to your diet you can eat them on their own or add them to your breakfast bowl of oatmeal or how about adding them to your smoothies you can even make a healthy trail mix using pumpkin seeds roasted pecans cashews and almonds now you have a snack ready to eat on the go pumpkin seeds also make salads and soups and cereals taste delicious pumpkin seeds are great for your help but so are chia seeds do you know about them there are so many nuts and seeds you should be eating outside of just pumpkin basil Thyme and flax seeds are other healthy options but not all seeds are equally good there are some you should eat and there are some you absolutely shouldn't here's what you need to know what happens to your body when you eat chia seeds every day.

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