
Can't Take 10,000 Steps A Day? Do This Instead


Can't Take 10,000 Steps A Day?

 Do This Instead

Have you heard of the 10,000 steps exercise method while it may be a great way to keep yourself active it's not really that useful to me you're busy lifestyle 10,000 steps is kind of hard to pull off so what are you supposed to do well there's an alternative for almost everything and in this case it's moderate-intensity training from skipping to jogging and yoga there many options.

We will talk about all of them in detail. Let's begin with a lesser-known exercise. I think it's not really an exercise.

1-Pushing a lawnmower:

You may think mowing the lawn is just a tedious weekly activity in many ways it is pushing the lawn mowers actually great exercise for your body one that can burn 135 calories an hour that doesn't sound bad does it on top of that the heavier you are the more calories you burn while doing it for example if you weigh about 155 lb you'll be able to burn more than 160 calories in 30 minutes continue the same for an hour and you burnt about 300 calories if you want to break them in his Seth do so try to set with 5 minutes rest in the middle if you feel too tired don't exhaust yourself working out doesn't necessarily mean you have to run out of energy so what are you waiting for your lawn probably needs trimming anyway go ahead and push that lawnmower.


This is one of the workouts we spoke about at the beginning of the article there are many exercises that fall into the practice of yoga certain types are all about breathing meanwhile there are those that are all about flexibility starting yoga exercises are better for building the strength of certain muscles this is why it's always better to meet an expert before you embark on a yoga journey in general a yoga session can be very helpful in dealing with depression breathing exercises in yoga been proven to be useful flexibility exercises in yoga are also good for kids with muscles and tissues are still in the development stage on top of that some of these exercises also help to boost their growth more importantly for adults some of these exercises burn lots of calories and fat so you may want to try them.

3-Jump rope:

When you can't go out for a run it's better to try exercises that help you stay in shape while also staying in quarantine try to jump rope it's a full body exercise that will not only help you lose a lot of weight but burn calories and fat if you skip rope for 10 minutes that's the equivalent of completing a 1-mile run in just eight minutes as a matter of fact skipping rope for an hour can help you lose about 1,600 calories a day apart from that it improves your body's balance and strengthens your legs shoulders and arms some people even agree that jump rope can improve coordination focus and stamina another interesting thing about jump rope is that it releases endorphins into your brain in case you weren't aware endorphins help you fight off depression and help calm your mood so this exercise is good for your body as well as your brain.


It might be difficult to go out due to this pandemic but you can still cycle all you need is a stationary bike this way you'll be able to do biking exercises from the comfort of your own home while nothing beats the sensation of natural Ambiance cycling will retain its benefits no matter where you doing cycling is among the world's most effective types of cardio the circulation process becomes better while cycling for this reason there's a sudden surge of oxygen in your body your heart finds it easier to pump blood when you cycle it also strengthens your heart muscles making your immunity stronger cycling is also good at keeping your blood pressure levels in check in case you didn't know high blood pressure or hypertension can lead to heart related conditions as well as Strokes so maybe you shouldn't miss an opportunity to cycle.


Let's face it not all of us can afford to have a stationary bike at home but there are cheaper options such as walking that's right just a few laps around the house this will keep your veins and arteries the help they need to keep blood circulating through your veins the rest of the process is similar to cycling the difference between cycling and walking is that walking takes up less energy in comparison this means you can do longer laps around the house remember just like cycling walking increases your body stamina up one more thing to keep in mind it's rest you can't keep going without rest what can two sets of 15 to 20 minutes while keeping a 325 minute Gap in between sets for rest that should help you stay at your Optimum level of energy.


If you can go outside jogging is another great workout just make sure to stay hydrated with this one jogging is known to have many benefits they can strengthen your muscles especially your leg muscles it can also help you build very strong bones if you're planning to lose weight during your quarantine. This is the best way to do so a simple round of jogging can burn fat and calories as well as assist with weight loss just make sure you eat enough protein while losing weight may sound nice theoretically it can be awful if you end up losing muscle mass so please make sure not to decrease your protein intake that way you'll stay healthy and shed a few pounds of unhealthy fat alright we told you about all these modern intensity workouts now this brings us to the next question how much use are these exercises to you when taking 10,000 steps a day you've achieved enough physical activity to help you get through a whole day without any other work out with current issues around covid-19 this has become even more difficult to achieve 10000 steps take lesser steps at a faster rate in more Force this will help you reach the level of physical activity you required to stay fit more importantly it doesn't put a strain on your daily routine you can do these workouts without compromising your work or personal time more importantly all of these workouts use multiple muscles for exam jump rope involve the entire body it's affecting your shoulders cast and your arms so what do you think can any of these exercises be an alternative for taking 10,000 steps a day let us know in the comments below.

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