
9 Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis You Need To Know About

 9 Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis You Need To Know About

Multiple sclerosis or MS is a disease characterized by the damage caused to your central nervous system. This means damage to the nerve fibers as well as the coating around them. It was Alton, the signals between your brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body going haywire. This is one of the most common MS symptoms.

Today will be discussing nine surprising multiple sclerosis signs and symptoms that can cause vertigo and speech disorders. What do its skin and hearing problems from symptoms to treatment and diagnosis will discuss all of these and more.


The most common symptoms of MS include fatigue walking trouble and numbness he also experienced dizziness bladder and bowel issues and even depression other symptoms of MS include intimacy issues and vision-impaired meds there are also a few symptoms that are uncommon yet still associated with the disease one of them is vertigo if you're suffering from this disease eat and feel dizzy and lightheaded but if you also have vertigo it will feel like the world around you is spinning this is due to brain lesions forming in an area that controls and coordinates your balance one way to treat vertigo is through the use of motion sickness drugs but they only provide temporary relief is not helpful for a chronic condition if you just started experiencing vertigo your doctor will give you special medication have you ever felt dizzy while traveling how about motion sickness what did you do to find relief share your experiences with our community below.

2-Speech disorders:

According to studies 25 to 40% of person patients suffering from Ms report speech disorders is it because of lesions in different parts of your brain this is usually seen in advanced stages of MS there are different kinds of speech disorders you can look out for like when the speech pattern gets altered you can also be slurring due to a lack of coordination in your mouth muscles and tongue another speech disorder you might face is stuttering you could also face lost in your speech volume.

3-Difficulty swallowing:

If you're in the later stages of MS are going to find it harder to swallow this happens because of damage to the nerves which control the muscles in your mouth and throat it could be due to numbness in your mouth or dryness from the medication you're taking if you're having difficulty swallowing it's a serious problem you'll primarily need to do some exercises to safely eat and drink you might also have to make some changes to your diet to deal with the issue.


This is caused by damage to the nerves that control the sensation in your central nervous system because of this you will still feel itchy even when no irritant is visible normal itching Solutions such as skin creams will not work as the itchiness is not caused by bug bites are rashes instead you'll have to consult your doctor and take Angie seizure medications or antidepressants along with cognitive-behavioral therapy.

5-Hearing problems:

Around 6% of people that suffer from multiple sclerosis also face hearing issues it is however rare for hearing impairment to be one of the early symptoms one of the reasons you might experience hearing loss is because of nerve damage in the pathways to the brain and the brainstem you don't have to fear permanent hearing loss as it normally gets resolved over time hearing loss is not really all that common with MS.


More common symptoms associated with Ms is Tremors this describes involuntary shaking and various body parts trimmers occurred due to damaged nerves that help coordinate your movements of the different kinds of Tremors you might experience the intention tremor is the most common kind it happens when you're trying to hold on to an object or reach for something else occurs when you're intentionally trying to move your hands or feet to a specific Place trimmer make it very difficult to do your everyday tasks you'll have trouble getting dressed and even performing simple tasks like eating and drinking there was no effective medication available for Tremors but you can try physical therapy to help with the shaking.

7-Headache and migraine:

In the beginning, a headache was not seen as a symptom of MS but when an in-depth analysis of 16 studies was done it was reported headaches are in fact a part of this disease over 3,500 MS patients were involved in these studies and more than half of them suffered from headaches along with these results 27% of the patients had migraines while about 10% of the patients suffered from tension headaches other Studies have found the reason for Ms headaches to be cortical or brain stem lesions.

8-Breathing problems:

When you have MS one of the key concerns is damage to your chest muscles when you have trouble in the nerves controlling your chest muscles you'll find it hard to even breathe properly it's a condition that can get worse as time passes if you already suffer from fatigue this particular issue will be especially exhausting try doing breathing exercises to resolve the issue but proper diagnosis and treatment are necessary to avoid further complications.

9-Loss of taste and smell:

Another symptom of a mess it's a change in her food smells or tastes research has shown a considerable number of patients suffering from MS had trouble figuring out the four basic tastes are saltine better the reason for this loss of taste is linked with lesions all over the brain well not comment some MS patients have also reported the complete opposite reaction a heightened sense of taste and smell it's pretty unpredictable.

MS diagnosis:

There is no definitive test for MS assemble MS diagnosis is done after ruling out other conditions your doctor will need your complete medical history and will likely put you through a detailed medical diagnosis you are likely to go through the following.

-Blood test:

Blood tests help rule out other diseases with similar symptoms. These blood tests also serve as a checklist for biomarkers associated with multiple sclerosis that can be especially helpful for your diagnosis.

-Spinal tap:

Also known as lumbar puncture spinal taps are used to draw a small sample fluid from your spinal canal it's been sent for lab analysis if the sample shows abnormalities and antibodies associated with this disease you're likely to be diagnosed with MS lumbar puncture also helps rule out conditions and infections with symptoms similar to this disease.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging is used to find out if there are any lesions on your brain or spinal cord in case lesions are present they are check to see if they relative to MS areas mostly and MRIs has done using an intravenous injection the injection has a contrast material to highlight lesions this is to find out if your disease is in an active phase.

-Evoked Potential Test:

Evoked potential tests involve recording the electrical signals produced by your nervous system in response to various stimuli during such tests you may be subject to visual or electrical stimuli during a test you'll be made to watch a moving visual pattern or short electrical impulses will be applied to nerves in your legs or arms electrodes measure how quickly the information travels down your nerve Pathways.


There is no ultimate cure for this disease multiple sclerosis treatment mostly focuses on managing your symptoms slowing down the progression of the disease and recovering from attacks treatment for MS attacks that typically involves plasma exchange your doctor will likely prescribe you medication these are used to reduce nerve inflammation with plasma exchange the liquid part of your blood is removed and separated from your blood cells these blood cells have been mixed with a protein solution and put back into your body plasma exchanged is used when other treatments failed to produce results treatment to slow down MS progression involves medication therapies there are several disease-modifying therapies available to prevent a relapse MS is a challenging disease that affects your brain spinal cord and nerves while it's not an entirely treatable disease you can still manage symptoms by following and review your doctor's advice a good diet that boosts your brain health is the right direction to start your life.

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