
7 Reasons Why Cherries Are Good For You


7 Reasons Why Cherries Are Good For You

Do you like cherries they're probably one of those popular fruits that not only do look beautiful there? Also, delicious cherries are tiny fruits that are both sweet and sour. Your favorite cherries are a great source of health benefits making them one of the healthiest fruits.

Today we will be discussing the Seven health benefits of cherries from protecting your heart to improving Sleep Quality from reducing post-exercise pain to managing anger through what we talking about all of these and more.

1-Protects your heart:

Many of us enjoyed juicy red cherries in the summer cherries have two major types turned and sweet peas red fruits are nutrient dense and reduce risk of heart disease let me put it to you this way heart disease is the leading cause of death around the world in the United States one person dies of heart disease every 36 seconds about one in every for American deaths are due to heart disease cherries are rich in nutrients like potassium which is essential for keeping your hair healthy one cup of sweet cherries provides 10% of your daily value DV it regular blood pressure by removing the excess sodium from your body this allows your heart to beat a lot easier studies show that drinking tart cherry juice can reduce LDL cholesterol preventing heart disease hangovers more cherries are packed with strong antioxidants which maintained her to help by providing protection against cellular damage will talk more about antioxidants later isn't it exciting to know that tiny Cherry support your heart health enjoy cherries as a snack or top them on your yogurt or cereal bowl do you like cherries what are some other heart-healthy foods you like to eat sound off in the comments section.

2-Loaded with nutrients:

That's right prepare to get a nutrient overload cherries provide fiber vitamins and minerals one cup or but a hundred 50 g of sweet pitted cherries offers three grams of fiber per cent of your daily vitamin C in 5% of your daily copper and manganese fiber is crucial for your body as it maintains gut health by promoting good bacteria allows you better buy cherries are a good source of vitamin C which is vital to your immune system and scan it also provides potassium which is essential for your nerve function muscle contraction and blood pressure additionally cherries provide vitamin K in B vitamins no wonder cherries have earned the title of SuperFood try making a chocolate cherry smoothie bowl there are quite a few ingredients you need first mix one frozen banana one cup of Frozen sweet cherries 2 tablespoons of raw cocoa powder 2 tablespoons of flax and chia blend in 1 tbsp of coconut oil transfer this chocolate mixture to a bowl and top it up with some hemp seeds you're healthy and flavorful smoothie bowl is ready.

3-Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds:

Are a Powerhouse of antioxidants are molecules that protect your body from free radicals they help fight oxidative stress and save you from multiple illnesses and premature aging cherries are also loaded with anti-inflammatory compounds in 1 review it was found that eating cherries can reduce inflammation not just this fruit also contains a plant compound called polyphenols this chemical helps prevent heart disease mental decline diabetes and even certain cancers interesting Lee cherries also contain beta-carotene which holds both antioxidants and anti-inflammatories did you know you can add cherries to your salads prepare an easy summer fruit salad with fresh cherry watermelon blueberry mint leaves and feta cheese you can also drizzle some honey and lemon juice imagine how good that will feel like you're missing out make sure you join our community.

4-Improves Sleep Quality:

You may have noticed that whenever you have trouble sleeping you get pretty cranky the right quality of sleep is important for your overall health and mood for sleep can make you angry not only can this ruin your day but also affect the lives of people around you not to worry This Is Where cherry shine eating cherries or drinking tart cherry juice can promote a healthy sleep this is because cherries contain melatonin a hormone which regulates your sleep-wake cycle and controls your internal body clock a published studies show that people who drink tart cherry juice for 7 Days had increased melatonin levels longer sleep duration in bed asleep quality cherries can help manage insomnia it was found that drinking 240 ML of tart cherry juice before bedtime significantly increased sleep by 84 minutes remember all study showed that use of cherry juice and not fresh cherries.

5-Reduced post-exercise pain:

Do you feel an annoying pain after working out it's sometimes hard to fall asleep afterward what if I were to tell you that Sherry's can boost exercise recovery as I said earlier cherries are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds these substances help relieve post-workout muscle pain inflammation and damage instead of sweethearts and their juice seems to be more effective part cherry juice speeds up Muscle Recovery lessons pain and prevent strength loss and athletes wait there are more studies suggest that cherries can enhance exercise performance a study showed that Runners who consumed 480 mg of Tyler Perry's for 10 days average faster race times with less muscle soreness cherry juice and powder are very beneficial when it comes to exercise performance and Recovery there are many ways to incorporate cherries into your diet with other smoothies cake start spies or toppings for your oats.

6-Manages symptoms of arthritis and gout:

These two conditions become a huge problem as you get older they both result from inflammation but can cherries do good when it comes to arthritis and gout the answer is yes a hundred times, yes their anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling and pain this is really important when you're going to treat gout and arthritis actually goat is a type of arthritis caused by the accumulation of uric acid cherries are known to reduce acid levels in your body in one study women a 10 oz of sweet cherries following an overnight fast after 5 hours went by there uric acid levels were reduced additionally it was found that go-to text with 75% less powerful when sharing intake was combined with medication looking to satisfy your sweet tooth make a homemade cherry barbecue sauce or prepare fresh cherry cobbler my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

7-Protect you against diabetes:

Diabetes is becoming more common these days the number of patients rose from 100 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 series can be a healthy treat for all you diabetic soak their they actually rank much lower than many fruits on the glycemic index this means that eating cherries will not cause your blood sugar levels to Skyrocket they also won't trigger crashes in your insulin level cherries are super delicious and enhance the flavor of your meals even if you don't want to use fresh cherries things like dried cherries cherry juice and Cherry powder are good enough cherries should have a place on your grocery list they're super affordable and available almost everywhere series are amazing fruits with stunning health benefits.For more information learn 9 Fruits You Should Be Eating And 8 You Shouldn’t If You Are Diabetic.

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