
Bad Habits For Your Heart


Did you know that heart disease claims more than 1 Million Lives per year making it the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States the worst part is that nearly half of the heart attacks occur without prior symptoms are warning signs.

Welcome back to my site well some risk factors like family history in age are out of your control there are choices you can make to improve your heart health and this includes knowing what not to do in today's article will tell you how it's you should avoid if you want a healthy heart from drinking soda ignoring your sleep not flossing overeating sell to being overweight and more read till the end to learn about all of them.

1- Drinking excessive alcohol: quality glass of red wine has health benefits excessive alcohol is linked to health problems drinking more than three drinks per day can have a Toxic effect on your heart that can lead to high blood pressure and then large Dan weekend heart and a higher level of fat stored in your body A good rule of thumb and hurt have no more than one drink per day for women and no more than two for men how many drinks do you have in a week one to tell us quickly Down Below in the comment section.

2- Ignoring your sleep: snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea a disorder in which your breathing starts and stops throughout the night this causes sudden drops in your oxygen levels which spikes blood pressure and strange your heart if you wake up with a hoarse throat or your partner reports heavy snoring bring it up to your doctor your time sleeping matters to as research has shown a link between sleep deprivation and heart problems remember to aim for 8 hours each night.

3- Sitting for hours: regular we sitting for multiple hours at a time can increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke even if you exercise regularly research has linked prolong sitting with obesity higher blood pressure and an increased likelihood of death from heart disease and cancer experts think the lack of activity affect the levels of fats and sugars in your blood you can counteract this risk by moving whenever you can taking walks around the office or even using a standing desk.

4- Overeating: everyone's biggest concern from overeating tends to be weight gain or maybe a stomach ache but feeling your plate up with seconds and thirds can cause a way bigger issues heavy meals can also trigger heart attacks or heart failure especially if you're already dealing with a heart issue like heart disease when you eat a lot of food at once the stomach expands and the body shifts blood from the heart to the digestive system in people who already have a blockage in your arteries any diversion of blood away from the heart can result in chest pain.

5- Smoking: most people know smoking is bad for their lungs but it's just as bad for your heart it harms your heart by damaging your blood vessels and raising your blood pressure pill keeps your body from getting enough oxygen into your blood even being around other people while they smoking cause serious damage.

6- Stress: trying to get the kids to the school bus on time meeting deadlines at work or paying an unexpected Home Improvement bill can all be culprits for stress and if you're constantly feeling the side effects of stress your body can feel the consequences can cause your heart rate to become erratic it is also known to cause inflammation in the body if you're in a constant state of stress your body is in this unhealthy State all the time and they caused some serious heart damage.

7- Not flossing: your dentist is Right splicing is important but not just for your teeth a study found that people with coronary heart disease hoof lost experienced fewer heart problems what's the connection studies show that bacteria associated with gum disease promotes inflammation in the body and inflammation has been associated with increased risk for heart disease a variety of flossing tools are available to make the task a little easier in hard-to-reach areas from flossing picks to threader's that guide the floss.

8- Overeating salt: excessive sodium can lead to high blood pressure a risk factor for heart disease avoiding the salt shaker isn't too difficult but what about hidden sodium processed foods including canned vegetables and soup lunch meats frozen dinners chips another salty snacks account for most of the South Americans eat be sure to read nutrition labels and compare products she was the one with the lowest percent daily value for sodium a rule of thumb to follow eat less than 1500 mg of sodium per day.

9- You watch way too much TV: many people would probably have met watching TV is their favorite hobby but while your brain loves getting sucked into those Netflix marathons your heart isn't as big of a fan in a 2019 study researchers found those who watch more than four hours of TV per day or at a 50% greater risk of heart disease and premature death and those who watch less than 2 hours daily so enjoy your favorite show and then move on to a less screen focused activity.

10- Eating too much red meat: is red meat is on your plate every night of the week back this is because there's a correlation between the increased consumption of red meat and heart disease the more red meat you eat the higher your bad cholesterol tends to be because of that you should only eat red meat in moderation or better yet avoid it altogether.

11- Ignoring depression: if you know you're depressed but haven't done anything to help get your mental health back on track you could be destroying your heart people who have depression are at an increased risk for heart disease a study found that providing early treatment for depression and treating the symptoms early cut the risk of heart disease and have be aware of your mood and get help early if you ever notice that you're experiencing feelings of depression.

12- Eating too many processed foods: your processed foods are amazing there's no denying that unfortunately they're terrible for your heart fried foods processed cheese has snacks and junk food provide no nutritional benefit and actually cause harm what's the alternative sticking to a Mediterranean diet is a good place to start it's the best way to reduce cholesterol and nourish your body with heart healthy ingredients like fish legumes nuts olive oil and fruit eating too much processed food is bad not just for your heart but can also cause your skin.

13- Drinking soda: so don't put your heart at risk one study found that those who regularly drink soda we're more likely to experience a stroke or heart attack and died from vascular disease this was even after researchers controlled for factors like smoking exercise sodium intake and high cholesterol sugary soda is potentially damaging to people eating too much added sugar like that and soda have a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

14- Core diet: you probably already know that sugar salt and processed foods can impact your heart health but sometimes it's what you don't eat that can lead to Heart trouble if you don't eat fruit vegetables whole grains beans nuts fish and poultry you could be doing extra damage Studies have shown that people who eat more fruits and vegetables with each meal have a decreased risk for heart disease.

15- Being overweight: it's true that people who are overweight are at a higher risk for developing problems with their hearts and even better way to judge if your weight may affect your heart is to measure your waist people who carry fat in that area tend to develop heart related complications more than those who carry it elsewhere on their bodies is recommended that men maintain a waste of 40 inches or less women should aim for 35 in or smaller.

16- Getting angry a lotsl: when you get angry your body releases stress hormones this causes your blood pressure to rise and your heart rate to increase it also makes your blood more likely to clot which is especially dangerous if your arteries are narrowed by cholesterol Laden play after you experience an angry Outburst your chances of experiencing a heart attack stroke or chest pains slightly increased for the next 2 hours keep your anger in check and don't react in the moment communicate calmly instead of expressing your anger loudly or violently.

17- Skipping annual physicals examination: an annual physical exam is an important part of staying healthy in addition you should also get blood work done each year that allows your doctor to better understand your numbers when you're well with the Baseline your doctor can identify red flags that your body isn't feeling it's best if the doctors know you when you're well they're going to be ready to provide the best care when you're sick and this may be able to prevent some illness altogether having your blood work on file can help your doctor quickly and accurately identify the problem with your heart well avoiding these habits can give you a healthy heart it's very important to recognize signs of an unhealthy heart.

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