
13 Warning Signs Your Body Is Producing Too Much Estrogen


13 Warning Signs Your Body Is Producing Too Much Estrogen

Estrogen is a very important hormone for us women it drives our menstrual cycles by orchestrating ovulation which triggers are monthly periods while the levels always very there needs to be a ballet when your estrogens off your body shows it through subtle and not-so-subtle signs.

 in today's article we're talking about 13 signs your body is producing too much estrogen will you gain weight what about the impact on your breasts and menstrual cycle will be talking about all this and more.

1- Gaining weight:


if you seem to be gaining weight especially in the hip area it's a sign your body is producing too much estrogen even and inability to get rid of fat would suggest you need your estrogen levels checked if your estrogen level isn't balanced your body will feel bloated as well maintaining healthy weight while struggling with estrogen isn't impossible though you need to follow the basics first eat a healthy diet and stay active avoid processed food this only worsens your estrogen balance stay hydrated as well eat lean proteins and whole grains to stay up with your weight loss goals have you lost weight trying to get healthy what was your experience like what worked share your weight loss tips with the Betsy community in the comments below.

2- Swollen or tender breasts: 

your first indication of changes in hormones would be your breast during your monthly cycle you might have noticed your breast become tender at some point in fact you now know what to expect when your breasts are sore but if you do notice that your breasts are more swollen than usual it could be because of a spike in your estrogen levels you need to look specifically at the front of your breasts as well as in the areolas.

3- Fibrocystic breasts: 

when the tissue in your breast changes quality whether it becomes lumpy or is more like a rope you could be experiencing fibrocystic breast and additional sign would be pain or tenderness in your breasts whenever you touch them usually at the top or the sides if your breasts are fibrocystic at the main reason could be too much estrogen because of the higher levels your tissues will grow more than usual this is what causes them to become Lumpy.

4- Irregular periods: 

there are a number of reasons for irregular periods one reason is high estrogen levels if your hormone levels are not balanced it can wreak havoc to a psycho which your body otherwise carefully orchestrated your. Being on time involves many hormones so higher than normal estrogen level might be the reason behind the irregularity.

5- Heavier periods: 

along with the irregularity in your periods if you find it they're heavier than usual it's usually because of hormonal imbalance the estrogen hormone is what keeps the lining of your uterus Peck in case your body is producing higher estrogen levels than you will have more of this running than usual this results in heavier periods.

6- Mood swings: 

along with impacting your periods of higher estrogen levels can also cause mood swings this hormone is crucial for your balance emotional and mental state which is also the reason why you have a roller coaster of emotions during your monthly cycle if you have higher estrogen levels you would be more prone to anxiety and panic attacks it can even cause depression during your cycle in fact people with higher estrogen sometimes even faced with called Educated depression as they have a mix of both anxiety and depression this is one of the main reasons you need to keep your estrogen levels in check before we move ahead.

7- Lower sex drive: 

it's common knowledge that most women experience a lower sex drive when they go through menopause this is also the situation when your estrogen levels are low believe it or not a lower sex drive can also be a result of higher estrogen several women experience the effect of too much estrogen so it's one of the symptoms to look out for especially when you're nowhere close to a menopausal stage.

8- Headaches: 

women tend to experience more headaches and migraines mainly because of their reproductive systems this is because of the hormones they have in fact headaches are a natural result of having more estrogen than progesterone so if you happen to have higher estrogen levels than normal the frequency of your headaches will be much higher.

9- Hair fall: 

having a higher level of estrogen in your body can also cause your hair to become thinner a hormone imbalance will your estrogen level is far greater than your progesterone will result in shedding while shedding hair may not be an immediate issue letting it worse and will only cost you more hair in the long run.

10- Cold hands and feet: 

to feel your hands and feet are always cold it could be a sign of something wrong with your body that wrong could be high estrogen level but how does this affect your body temperature be answer is simple by compacting your blood circulation too much estrogen means your body doesn't have proper blood circulation and this is essentially what keeps your body warm if you don't have proper circulation you might find your hands and feet are cold medical conditions as well but there's probably an estrogen imbalance if it's combined with other symptoms.

11- Failing memory: 

what are the factors associated with Alzheimer's disease is a low level of estrogen is also the cause of other types of memory loss a high level of estrogen could also cause memory loss if you or your loved ones notice you're having difficulty remembering basic things it could be because of an imbalance in this hormone.

12- Sleeplessness: 

estrogen is a hormone that excites your body a high-level means your body remains active for a longer duration one drawback of this is your inability to relax and fall asleep progesterone is the hormone your body depends on to relax so if you're finding it hard to fall asleep on a regular basis it could be too much estrogen acting up especially if there aren't any other factors involved like Stress and Anxiety.

13- Exhaustion: 

considering high estrogen levels result in lack of sleep it's only natural you'll feel tired this lack of sleep mean to experience more fatigue and workplace exhaustion could be due to other reasons as well their stress depression and even chronic fatigue but when you combine this with other symptoms it's a clear sign that you have estrogen dominance.

What causes estrogen imbalance?

High estrogen levels occur naturally but I could be a result of other factors like taking certain medications Princeton's hormone replacement therapy can result in high estrogen hormones there's another hormone in your body called progesterone it's low levels can result in high estrogen.

What are normal estrogen levels in women?

At this point you must be wondering how to tell what time what's low well a simple blood test can give you your hormone levels there are three types of estrogen Esther all estradiol and a stone age do most impossible to detect estriol in women who aren't pregnant normal levels of the other two are for prepubescent females estrone should be undetectable up to 29 hyco grams per milliliter estradiol up to 20 Pico grams per milliliter for pubescent females estrone should be between 10 to 200 Pico grams per milliliter and estradiol between undetectable to 350 Pico grams per milliliter premenopausal adult women must have a Strone between 17 to 200 Pico grams per milliliter and estradiol between 15 to 350 Pico grams per milliliter lastly postmenopausal adult women should have a Strone anywhere between 7 to 4 Tipico grams per milliliter and estradiol less than 10 Pico grams per milliliter hormonal imbalances can creep into your lives silently you have to be vigilant and keep an eye on the subtle signs and changes these signs are going to be different for men and women here's what you need to know watch 9 symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women can also try 11 symptoms of hormonal imbalance in men go ahead click one better yet watch both and learn more about how to keep your hormones in check do you think you have too much estrogen in your body let us know in the comments below. 

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