
Celebrities with rheumatoid arthritis: 16 Early Warning Signs Of Rheumatoid Arthritis You Might Be Ignoring

 Celebrities with rheumatoid arthritis: 16 Early Warning Signs Of Rheumatoid Arthritis You Might Be Ignoring

Rheumatoid Arthritis causes inflammation and pain in the joints that also cause problems in other parts of the body but wait for a second. How do you know if you're suffering from rheumatoid arthritis medicine early stages? We will help you with exactly.

What can fatigue be a sign of? How about dry ice? Can you become depressed? We're talking about all that and more.


Before other symptoms kick in a person with rheumatoid arthritis feels extremely tired and weak this is fatigue studies show that up to 80% of people with rheumatoid arthritis have at least some feeling of fatigue and more than 50% of high levels of exhaustion experts say that the feeling can be described as different from General tiredness it's quite extreme and seemed to emerge of the nowhere in fact that he can have a greater impact on your daily life than pain disease and high inflammation all lead to fatigue recent Studies have shown that even when people are in clinical remission they can still experience significant tiredness how do you deal with everyday exhaustion sugar tips and tricks with the best community in the comments below.


Fever is one of those subtle arthritis symptoms you may miss or a tribute to something else approximately one-third of people with rheumatoid arthritis exhibit total symptoms some patients describe these symptoms to be like the flu if you have rheumatoid arthritis your immune system is activated but it attacks your body's own tissues not a foreign invader like a virus or bacteria this autoimmune reaction results in a mild fever.

3-Weight loss:

Wilton celebrates weight loss as this admirable thing the problem is it's often red-flag weight loss can be due to several diseases as hyperthyroidism diabetes cancer and rheumatoid arthritis keep in mind that we lost probably isn't your only clue for identifying rheumatoid arthritis you also need to keep a check on sore or swollen joints fatigue and movement disorders looking for answers on level latest health and wellness news hit that subscribe button and join our millions of followers stay up to date on all her great that the content.

4-Joint warmth:

As the blood flow from our capillaries widens our joints feel warm to the touch this warmth may be present with of the skin is reddish or not joint warm can be a prominent sign of rheumatoid arthritis.

5-Joint swelling:

Swollen hands and feet are a typical sign of rheumatoid arthritis if the stiffness lasts for 6 weeks or more it's time to talk to a doctor to get the best diagnosis. joint swelling becomes more noticeable as arthritis increases but even slight swelling can be an early sign of inflammation and fluid accumulation lead to swollen and tender joints if the theater affected people may find that they can't wear their dress shoe gloves or rings will also not fit your watches will feel too tight effective treatments for rheumatoid arthritis can stop joint swelling it will also prevent joint damage.

6-Morning stiffness:

This is so common it's become one of the main signs to look out for if the stiffness persists for an hour or more after waking up a candy alarming to some extent morning stiffness affects most people with rheumatoid arthritis they can last from a few minutes to 3 hours the general stiffness makes waking and dressing difficult some people get up at least an hour in advance if they need to go out after such a difficult start everything else in your morning routine feels a lot harder and painful. the reason is that at night when your joints aren't moving inflammatory substances can cause fluid to build up in and around the joint this causes even more stiffness and articular pain the frustrating part is that exercise helps prevent and reduce symptoms but it becomes impossible to work out.


He told her the excessive sweating is also a sign of rheumatoid arthritis remember how we talked about fever your body's immune response causes symptoms of mild fever and sweating as if it were attacking the flu virus.


Since rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic condition it can lead to depression it can have a huge impact on your daily life in the function the disease effects and can slow down and prevent you from doing what you love this can be causing low self-esteem frustration and anger and stress but what's worse is that a person with rheumatoid arthritis will also feel sadness and hopelessness this type of mood change is called reactive depression because it's a person's response to a particular situation.

9-Redness of joints:

A change in the tissue color around the joints of our hands and feet is also a confirmed sign of rheumatology diseases. swollen joints can appear reddish because inflammation has caused the capillaries to widen which causes more blood to flow to the area.

10-Joint tenderness:

Rheumatoid arthritis is not only a disease of the bones and joints it also affects tissues and muscles throughout the body damage and blood vessels nerves and tendons hand and foot deformities are the most obvious signs of rheumatoid arthritis will you please pressure on your hands the joint in the middle of the fingers will feel tender the joints of the base of the toes me also feel this way this soreness can be very uncomfortable.

11-Dry eyes:

The most common eye-related symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is drying is dry eyes are prone to infection if left untreated they can damage your cornea dry eyes can also lead to Sjogren's syndrome an autoimmune disease associated with rheumatoid arthritis while it is rare rheumatoid arthritis can also cause inflammation of the white portion of your eyes this will cause redness and pain if you have rheumatoid arthritis and eye pain blurred vision or other eye problems see a doctor right away early treatment can help prevent it from getting worse.

12-Joint pain:

Pain is the main issue for people with rheumatoid arthritis joint pain is distressing and has an impact on both your physical and mental state rheumatoid arthritis pain can be due to joint inflammation and is also enhanced by structural damage to the joints rheumatoid arthritis can occur at any age but usually occurs between the ages of 30 and 60 it affects women more than men the severity of rheumatoid arthritis can vary from person to person and symptoms change every day sometimes the symptoms such as joint pain may become more intense the pain flare-ups are unpredictable and can appear out of nowhere rheumatoid arthritis can affect a single area of the body or multiple areas these include fingers wrist elbow Shoulders Knees hips ankles toes feet neck shoulders and even Jaws usually small joints are affected at the early stages of the illness.

13-Joint pain symmetry:

Confused in rheumatoid arthritis when pain is felt in one joint on the side of your body is also felt in the same joint on the opposite side this is known as joint pain symmetry the difference is that the degree of pain can be different on one side and the disease progression can bury however when only a few joints are affected the disease might not show symmetry rheumatoid arthritis affects the large and small joints on both sides of the body this includes both hands wrists elbows and the balls of your feet.

14-Lung problems:

In addition to the joints, rheumatoid arthritis affects other parts of the body including the lungs skin digestive system part and blood vessels lung complications associated with this chronic disease of the second most common symptoms after the joints almost one in every ten people with rheumatoid arthritis develop lung complications at some point this is just as dangerous as heart failure occasionally One problem occur before joint inflammation and pain in rheumatoid arthritis male smokers between the ages of 50 and 60 with severe rheumatoid arthritis have a much higher chance of developing lung disease if you have rheumatoid arthritis and unexplained breathing problems see your doctor right away.

15-Tingling and numbness:

Unfortunately, rheumatoid arthritis is something difficult to spot and diagnose as symptoms vary from person to person what makes it worse is there is no actual test for the disease the feeling of numbness and tingling can't happen because joint inflammation causes nerve compression and loss of feeling.

16-Difficulty carrying out everyday activities:

The combination of joint pain stiffness and fatigue can make it difficult to perform basic tasks this loss of function can be extremely frustrating it's hard to bend hold a toothbrush do what buttons and even pull up a zipper not being able to function normally leads people to the doctor's office about 40% of people with rheumatoid arthritis experience signs and symptoms that do not affect the joints with time rheumatoid arthritis can cause them to deform and flip rheumatoid arthritis is a lifelong disease when treated properly it may go away for a while but it usually comes back it's important that you see your doctor as soon as symptoms appear the earlier you start treatment the better your result will be some of the damage caused by Ira is irreversible so finding the disease and treating it early is very important.

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