
9 Reasons Why You Should Start Working Out Before Bed


9 Reasons Why You Should Start Working Out Before Bed

Everyone has a love-hate relationship with working out but we can all agree that it's not only a great way to stay in shape but also necessary for overall health whether it's aerobics or jogging yoga or march or aerobic or playing vigorous sports or any physical activity is an easy way to build immunity to feel good and stay fit for many of us nighttime workouts are the ultimate stress-buster whatever it is jogging through the quiet streets are doing high-intensity training the way of winding down after a tough schedule day but is working out before bed a bad idea absolutely not that's great news especially for people who don't have time to workout in the morning but how does it help do muscles really form quicker what about getting a full night's sleep does it really Boost nutrition in today's article will be talking about what happens to your body when you start working out before bed read till the end to learn everything about it.

1- Helps release stress: anxiety stress and insomnia have become everyday terms be at work or study any form of stress that keeps you up at night is unhealthy good news is there's a solution the next time you're looking to blow off some steam after a hard day instead of hitting the local pub put on your sneakers and get moving working out at night produces endorphins that act as natural painkillers workouts of low-to-moderate intensity will make you feel healthy and energized this releases stress reduces anxiety and improve sleep what's your favorite way to destress share your ideas with us in the comments.

2- Muscles form quicker: with tons of controversy surrounding when the best time to workout is nighttime seems to be the quiet winner if you've been spending time at the gym looking to bulk up working out before bed may help this is because growth hormones are at their Peak during the REM cycle or when you're in deep Sleep If there is ample protein available in the body this bike of hormones at night will soak it up resulting in some serious gains this also shows the powerful effect deep asleep has on muscle growth and repair.

3- Boosts nutrition: post workout food during the daytime hits differently than post workout food at night but I'm following a night workout is the time when muscles and the body recovers so this is when you should make sure that the body has enough nutrients or you all to give it the right boost the theory that eating at night causes weight gain has been debunked so many times over Studies have shown that individuals who have food which is nutrient dense especially with protein and has only one macronutrient will allow better digestion during sleep.

4- Better sleep: the idea that working out at night will disrupt your sleep is one of the most common misconceptions exercise has a very good relationship with the body circadian rhythm or the natural internal process that regulates sleep exercising before hitting the hay comes to mind which relaxes anxiety and depression the sharp rise in the body temperature while working out is followed by a gradual cooling that paves the way for a full night's sleep and also reduces nighttime Awakenings helps you get to sleep faster and increases the amount of time spent on slow wave Sleep.

5- Faster toning: early morning workouts get a lot of praise and for all the right reasons it's a great way to start the day and managing stress and keeps you focused and energetic throughout the day however if you're looking for some muscle toning that you may want to switch to night workouts before going to bed did you know that muscle strength and function Peaks during nighttime high levels of cortisol during the day prevents muscle growth but other hormones boost muscle toning at night this muscle fluctuation makes these late evening workouts a winner.

6- Improves performance: if you find it difficult affect to squeeze in a quick workout during the day or you just feel lazy then we've got news for you exercising before going to bed it's extremely beneficial there is science behind this the body performs better later in the evening which means you'll get more out of what you put in also the body's temperature is not regular is higher later on in the day which further contributes to better flexibility with muscle growth.

7- You'll feel more refreshed the next day: have you been waking up feeling groggy lately sadly this is one of the most relatable things for many of us and nighttime work out right before bed pose could be the perfect solution for this exercising minutes late in the evening will help you establish a proper night time routine we've already told you how late evening workouts benefits improve sleep quality which is one reason for feeling not so refreshed the next day between working out and sleeping like a log you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

8- More endurance: every workout regime has a accessed goal whether it's increasing strength losing weight improving heart health or increasing endurance endurance is your muscles capacity to carry out everyday activities for this it's important for you to develop muscle strength this muscle strength develops fast after a round of night time exercises when the body goes through the combination of strength and endurance training in the evening it will lead to some serious gains in muscle mass sleeping endurance development are closely related so be sure to get a full night's sleep after a sweaty workout session so you'll be able to work out for a longer Of time try it.

9- More energy: it goes without saying that no matter what time of the day you choose to exercise it will release happy hormones that will make you feel good and energized there is research that suggests working out in the evening will not only make your hour workout longer but will also allow you to push boundaries and increase intensity this means that cardio and high-intensity workouts can be your favorite and cool thing in the evening rather than first thing in the morning.

Before we move forward wondering which foods can help you power through the day check out the 12 healthiest foods you should be eating in the morning no matter what happens to your body when you start working out before bed exercises you can do before bed.

1- Plank: as painful as it is planking is an all-around exercise pick towns everything from the arms and legs to improving balance and of course strengthening the core any plank Position will have you planning on your forearms or hands when your body is in a straight line this means that you're playing position is perfect for starters begin a 30 second Plank and work your way up to three minutes holding a plank position and gauges the core which makes you feel completely spend sleeping like a baby is the ultimate payoff.

2- Glute Bridge: glute bridge is another low impact exercise that engages your core and glutes this exercise improve Sleep Quality mood while also reducing insomnia anxiety and stress all you have to do is lay down with your feet flat on the floor then inhale and begin to lift your hips pushing for your heels squeezing your glutes and core at the top of your body should form a straight line from the upper back to knees this simple exercises great to do before bed.

3- Child's pose: child's pose is a yoga move that most people do before going to bed this stretch is especially good for people who spend lots of time sitting in one place it provides awesome relief for your lower back and hips which holds a lot of attention in your body you can even do this exercise has a cool down stretch right on the bed just kneel down on the floor with your feet resting under your bottom allow the Torso to fall in between your thighs and stretch out your arms.

4- Figure 4 stretch: this is another stretch that makes you sleep like a baby this is a great way of releasing tension from your back hips and glutes this can even be done while standing up either way you will end up feeling really good lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor cross your right ankle over your left knee and pull back on your left hand string feeling a stretch in your right hip hold there for 30 seconds release and then repeat on the other side.

5- Cat Cow: pose by the looks of it cat Cow pose may seem silly at first but once you learn about the benefits and has to offer you'll be doing it everyday cat Cow is an extremely relaxing pose that helps you get a deep sleep start off by getting down on your hands and knees Begin by moving into a cow pose by inhaling as you drop your belly towards the mat and lift up your chest and chin and look up next gently slide into the cat pose by exhaling and drawing your belly in all the backgrounds up towards the ceiling kind of like imitating a cat stretching its back for pizzas 5 to 20 times while keeping your torso upright it doesn't matter what time of the day you decide to workout prioritizing a good workout everyday is vital for overall health we have all heard it many light times before regular exercise is good for you and they can help you lose weight but if you're like many Americans you're busy have a sedentary job and haven't changed your exercise habits the good news is that it's never too late to start you can start slowly and find rate ways to fit more physical activity into your life wondering which exercises would suit you check out these six exercises for women that will transform your body. 

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