
7 Most Deadliest Cancers

 7 Most Deadliest Cancers

Hey there readers, we're all scared of cancer. It's one of the greatest causes of death in America second two heart attacks depending on the type survival rates can be very low even with early diagnosis.

 In today's article, we will be talking about the 7 deadliest cancers. Why did lung cancer stop and what are the symptoms and treatments? What about lung cancer survival rate of pancreatic cancer deadly will be discussing all of these and more.

1- Lung cancer:

lung and bronchial cancer is one of the most common cancers at least one and 13 men in the US will get it at some stage of their life estimated for women it's 1 and 16 if you're 65 years or older it's an even more common occurrence the biggest cause for lung cancer is smoking secondhand smoke is also a factor so even if you don't smoke tobacco yourself you could still end up Contracting lung cancer if you hang around smokers too much lung cancer is also possible if you are exposed to too much asbestos if you have a family history of lung cancer than your prone to getting it as well some of the symptoms of lung cancer revolve around coughing if you've developed a new cough that hasn't gone away it could be a sign coughing up blood is also a pretty big sign shortness of breath and chest pain are other symptoms you need to look out for developing a hoarse voice and getting frequent headaches are also an indication do you smoke often have you tried quitting what's it like share your experiences with our community in the comments below.

2- Colorectal cancer:

this is another common type of cancer about 1 and 20 people in the US end up getting colorectal cancer at some point in their lives old age is one of the main reasons behind colorectal cancer as you grow older the risk of getting colon cancer goes up genetics also contribute you're likely to get: cancer you have a family history of the disease do you love whiskey shots and beer maybe try to cut back a little turns out alcohol increases your risk of colon cancer if you have more than three drinks every day your risk is actually quite High being obese can also put you in the high-risk category one of the main symptoms of this cancer is change in your bowel movements if you have persistent diarrhea or constipation you're going to want to get your: checked if there's a change in your stool consistency that's another indication blood in the stool is a big sign if you have constant abdominal pain or you consistently feel your bowel is not empty completely don't brush it off that can be symptoms of colorectal cancer.

3- Breast cancer:

breast cancer occurs because of a clone or single transform cell it takes a longer time for these cells to become fully active breast cancer is more common among women than men around one in eight men in the US will end up with breast cancer at some point in their lives while the odds for men are much lower one in a thousand it's not just the gender that increases the likelihood of getting breast cancer age is another Factor women are more likely to get breast cancer after menopause if you want to reduce your risk of getting into the healthy BMI range could hell as obesity is another likely cause for breast cancer people who have taken hormone replacement therapy are also at a higher risk family history and alcohol consumption also factor in its advised that women constantly check their breasts for signs of cancer if you feel a lump in your breast or under arm that's the first sign you're affected by the disease your doctor will be able to confirm with a mammogram another symptom would be swelling in your armpit or collarbone this swelling is likely to happen before you feel lumps in your breast be on alert if this happens self-examination can be life-saving if you notice random changes in the shape of your breasts or you see unusual discharge coming from them get a thorough check-up done these could be symptoms of breast cancer.

4- Pancreatic cancer:

while not as common as the types of cancer we just talked about pancreatic cancer does occur among one in 67 people in the US it's one of the more deadly diseases you can get this cancer act quickly and can leave you with painful symptoms before becoming fatal family history is one of the main reasons behind pancreatic cancer that increase its likelihood wondering what the symptoms of this type of cancer are well one of the biggest is jaundice that's because pancreatic cancer Blocks Your bile duct from releasing the bile juice into the intestines as the bile becomes more concentrated your skin and eyes become yellow if you have pancreatic cancer you're likely to suffer from abdominal pain along with back pain you'll also feel bloated that or you'll feel full after small meals nausea and vomiting are also linked with pancreatic cancer.

5- Prostate cancer:

this is another cancer you've probably heard quite a bit about that because it's just so, so much so that one in seven people will end up suffering from it at some point in their lives men are particularly vulnerable especially after the age of 50 prostate cancer is most common in men over 65 just like the other cancers listed if it runs in your family you're at a higher risk of getting it sometimes Gene changes can also be a cause unfortunately if you want to stay healthy you need to cut down on your red meat and high-fat dairy products as these Foods increase your risk of prostate cancer eating more fruits and vegetables might also help reduce your risk let's get to prostate cancer symptoms frequent urination is one of them if it's combined with weak urine flow it's time to get yourself screened blood in your urine is another indicator if these signs have popped up in your life all of the sudden get yourself checked by a health professional it could be because of prostate cancer another symptom of this is pain while you're sitting or burning sensation when you urinate.

6- Leukemia:

there are many types of leukemia but almost all of them involve cancer of the blood-forming tissues in your bone marrow and lymphatic system the cancer causes an abnormal amount of white blood cells to be produced family history once again plays a vital role in determining the risk of leukemia if you smoked a lot it could lead to the development of a form known as myeloid leukemia another factor is Down syndrome certain blood disorders increase the probability of getting leukemia even getting treated for cancer through chemo or radiation could result in leukemia down the road one of the main symptoms of leukemia is excessive sweating at night this disease also makes you feel fatigued and weak even when you've gotten decent rest you'll also feel pain in your bones the enlargement of your liver and spleen also points towards leukemia the same goes for red spots on your skin if you bleed while you're brushing or you face frequent infections get a medical opinion these are also symptoms.

7- Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma:

lymphocytes are type of white blood cell there's a specific type of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma NHL that occurs when tumors buildup from this lymphocytes basically when your body builds up too many lymphocyte these additional cells don't die instead they turn cancerous and enlarge the lymph nodes there are no obvious risk factors for NHL people above the age of 60 are more susceptible to this type of cancer immunosuppressant drugs are a big risk factor for NHL infections like HIV and Epstein-Barr virus can also result in NHL if you're constantly exposed to chemicals such as weed and insect Killers the likelihood increases abdominal and chest pains are the main symptoms of NHL pay attention to chronic cough and difficulty in breathing their symptoms of NHL fatigue and fever are also associated cancer can be deadly there's no doubt about it but your best weapons against it are early detection information and proper care there are foods you must have Lloyd eating as they increase your chances of getting this Dreadful disease knowing about common cancer signs can also help with early detection.

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