We hear the processed foods are good for us but why did exactly aren't they good for us I want to tackle that question in this article and I'm also going to talk about the differences between Whole Foods and minimally processed foods and heavily processed.
Hello hello welcome back to the whole happy life I'm a holistic nutritionist with a food engineering background so we're talking about processed foods and why they aren't the best for our house now I'm not in article that you need to cut out processed foods completely and that there are toxic and they're bad for you in that sense I think it's all about balance I don't think it's realistic to completely cut out but it is important to know that they're not the best choice when it comes to good health so that's what the purpose of this article is before we dive into the seven reasons why processed foods aren't the best choice I wanted to talk about the differences between different categories of food so the first category is Whole Food the second category is minimally processed foods and the third category is heavily processed foods in example to explain the differences that start with something like strawberries strawberries are whole food because they're in their natural form there is no fiber remove there's no nutrition removed and that's the way they are at the way they grow its whole food nutrient dense food so the same berries could become minimally processed foods if they're processed a little bit in such a way that they're still nutritious but slightly process an example would be frozen berries if you buy frozen berries that have no added sugar and nothing's done to them they are as they are and they're just Frozen that would be a minimally processed food processing of the freezing process but it's not changing nutrition to lots of minimally processed foods are actually OK another example of something as minimally processed would be almond butter soy almonds would be the whole food almond butter would be the minimally processed food the third category is the heavily processed through these are the foods that you want to avoid and limit but heavily processed food is so different so far removed from the original food that doesn't have the original nutrition and it has a lot of added ingredients so let's go back to a strawberry example so if I were to take the strawberries and create some sort of a very stressful do this. Very scratch will have added sugar they won't have as much vitamin C is in berries and it may even have artificial coloring and flavors that is a heavily processed food that is not a nutritious food compared to the strawberries so now that you know the differences between the different categories let me talk the first reason is lower vitamins and minerals in general when foods are processed they lose some of their nutrition so let's go back to that very example so the berries when it becomes a very spread loses a lot of its vitamin C so it's not as nutritious as the original food as someone who eats a lot of processed foods will end up not getting enough vitamins and minerals so that's why having a heavily processed diet means you're not getting the full encryption number to is lower fiber so a lot of processing removes the fiber from the original food a good example of this is the white bread does not contain the fiber that the original wheat kernel has so if you eat something my farro which is the wheat kernel just boiled or steamed white bread hardly anything so there's that difference if someone were to eat a lot of processed foods they wouldn't get enough fiber compared to someone who eats more Whole Foods what's important for number of different things mainly for Digestive Health and just in general having your system run smoothly and having you feel Fuller for longer people who eat more fiber tend to be a lower weight because they get satisfied with smaller amounts of food but what about foods that have added fiber there's a granola bar healthy know who they are so they add fiber to the does that make the process to good for you I don't think so adding fiber to food that doesn't have much nutrition doesn't help ideally get your fiber from Whole Foods sell ways to get fiber from Whole Foods repeat things like legumes fruits veggies nuts seeds that sort of thing number three added sugar so a lot of processed foods have added sugar it can be and anything salad dressings and cakes and cookies it can be in soups table add sugar for many different reasons sometimes it's the taste sometimes it's texture so good idea is to read the nutrition labels to know if we getting out of sugar but World Health Organization has a guideline it's a limit of added sugar per day no more than that gets over a hundred grams of added sugar a day and where does it come from Mostly processed food so if you reduce the processed foods in your diet automatically you're eating more Whole Foods and Whole Foods on have added sugar number for additives so many processed foods contain a variety of additives things like stabilizer artificial food coloring artificial what else gums texturizer everything there's a lot of different additives now I don't want to paint all of the additives with the same picture I know a lot of people on the internet will tell you additives are toxic I disagree with that because not all out of those are bad for you but many of them can be so whenever you're in doubt do your research read the nutrition and do your research to figure out if it's something that you want to have or something you want to avoid any other thing I wanted to say about additives additives affect everybody differently so I miss you MSG does not affect everyone the same way some people can tolerate it with minimal issues some people cannot same thing goes for a lot of gums so nut milks contain gums like locust bean gum xanthan gum carrageenan so with additives really depends on the person and My Philosophy is avoid having too many in your diet because you really don't know how they may impact you logged her number five processes can change your taste preference is overtime making it harder to stick to Whole Food so most processed foods are engineered to taste irresistible and to be extremely tempting soul food Engineers scientists lots of different people work on creating products that can't stop eating so it's like a bag of chips you think you're going to have a few and then you have the whole pack your engineer to taste that good soul with processed foods what happens is overtime your taste buds get so accustomed to that punch of flavor that Whole Foods start to taste kind of kind of bland when I used to get a lot of processed food especially the sugary kinds I was so used to that sugary player that hit Earth sweetener enjoy things like an apple or her or did it just didn't have that same hit wasn't enjoyable but now that I've shifted to A Whole Foods diet and I limit my processed foods actually do enjoy my food quite a bit and sometimes I find fruit to Sweet so top change because I've changed my diet significantly but I think eating too many processed food keeps you in that process food space number 6 processed foods contain refined carbohydrates so carbs are not evil you can eat carbs and be healthy it totally depends on how much you eat what you eat it with your body type and the biggest thing what's the source of the car so when it comes to carbs Whole Food carbs carbs actual Whole Foods that hasn't been changed and their original form that is the best kind of carbs it's the refined carbs the ultra-processed foods that contain those refined carbs that's the problem so what exactly is the issue with refined carbs well it causes blood sugar Spike so what happens when you eat them you have that big rush of blood sugar and then you have that drop and then you're hungry again you're constantly stopping constantly hungry Never Satisfied because there's not enough as well so refined carbohydrates in processed foods are the problem examples would be things that cookies muffins cakes white bread white pasta it really is the stick to Whole Foods when it comes to your carbohydrate number 7 processed foods are associated with obesity associated with changes in metabolism as well as a higher cancer risk in certain cases.
I feel it when is the fact that it's so easy to overdo processed foods there tempting there are resistible intend to eat a lot and then that can cause weight gain some people but the biggest thing is eating a lot of processed foods were crowding out the whole foods that could have been part of your diet and you're crowding up all that good nutrition that you could have received from your Whole Foods in that sense of processed food diet doesn't have as many vitamins and minerals phytochemical all those good things that keep you healthy so that really is the main issue is processed foods.