
Here Are Secrets Your Poop Holds About Your Health

Here Are Secrets Your Poop Holds About Your Health

Hey their readers no matter how disgusted you feel talking about poop the truth is we all do it regular bowel movements indicate a healthy digestive system in fact when you don't go regularly you shouldn't worry.

So let's talk about the secret your feces holds about your health. Prepare yourself folks and try not to laugh. Is it normal to relieve yourself twice a day? What's the color and consistency of a healthy? What does lumpiness say about your health? will be discussing all of these and more.

What's a normal poop?

Pooping is part of your daily routine but it has some very important health indicators granted not all bowel movements are the same with different people having their own size and shape but there are some indicators that show if your health is deteriorating so what does a normal stool look like.

1- Color: 

Normally color of a healthy person's stool is usually Brown this is because of a pigment created by breaking down the red blood cells in your body if you see brown it usually signifies most of your systems are working as they should have you ever taken a funny colored dump did it startled you sound off in the comments section and start a conversation with our Community.

2- Shape: 

The usual shape should be as a log. This is considered a normal way and shows your digestive system is healthy.

3- Size: 

The size of your stool also matters. The healthy size is about 2in and easy to pass if it comes on smaller pellets it's not a good sign if it's longer it can be harder to pass through your.

4- Consistency: 

But consistency needs to be soft firm if it's too hard or too runny it signifies digestive issues or that your diet does not contain enough fiber.

5- Length of time: 

More often than not you should be able to complete a bowel movement in a minute or so but it can take longer, about 10 to 15 minutes is the healthy range. Anything longer than that is not a healthy sign.

6- Frequency: 

How many times a day you go also matters on average people gone number two once a day but the frequency of a healthy body can range from every other day to as much as three times in one if your frequency is lesser or more than this range it's time to get your body checked.

The seven categories of poop:

Different colors and what it says about your health:
Now that we know what healthy stool looks like it's important to figure out when you should worry about your health the Bristol stool scale was created to assist you with this there are seven categories in this scale:

Type 1: 

If it's hard and comes out in the form of small lumps it's possible you have constipation added to that if you're unable to pass it smoothly it's a Sure Shot sign you need to loosen up who literally.

Type 2: 

If your stool is in the shape of a log but still lumpy it's another sign of constipation well it's okay to be constipated once in a while you shouldn't be having these two types all that frequently take.

Type 3: 

If it's in the shape of a log that has some cracks in it, congrats , this is perfect if you're able to pass it easily and it's also a bit soft. You have a perfectly healthy gut.

Type 4: 

If your stool is snake-like but comes out smoothly that's another good sign however this should only happen once in a while and never more frequently than that.

Type 5: 

If it's small like in type one but soft and easy to pass it usually means your diet is missing fiber.

Type 6: 

If your stool is too fluffy with ragged edges it's possible you're suffering a mild case of diarrhea. The first thing to do would be to drink lots of water and other liquids.

Type 7: 

If your stool is completely watery with no solid bits at all it's a clear case of diarrhea this basically means it all moved for the bells at a faster Pace than what would be considered healthy.
Apart from the appearance another thing to look out for us the color typically you'll experience one of six types not counting Brown

1- Black: 

Black poop can be cause for concern especially if there's no apparent reason for it if you take iron supplements or are medicating with drugs like Pepto-Bismol it could give you black stool but if that's not the case it could be because of bleeding in your gastrointestinal tract bleeding is usually supposed to be read but if there's bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract the blood gets digested and turns black and color the black color is due to digested blood.

2- Green: 

A bit of green is perfectly fine but it's not a good sign when it's completely green it could be that you've been eating a lot of green foods like spinach and kale but it's more likely because the stool is passing through your bowel system at a quick Pace it basically means your stool is not collecting enough of the bilirubin pigment on its way out.

3- Pale white or clay colored: 

If your stool is pale in color it's likely because you're not producing enough while deduct for the bile juices blocked please know this can also happen when you're taking diarrhea medications in which case the pale color is a common side effec

4- Red: 

Red is a sign you should never take lightly unless you eat something that is true. Lots of tomato juice, otherwise red stool means there's bleeding in your lower gastrointestinal tract. It could be the cause of hemorrhoids or a bleeding lower intestine. You need to get yourself checked if it occurs without any apparent reason.

5- Yellow: 

If your stool is greasy and stinky and comes out yellow it basically means you're eating too much fat. Cutting down on the fat content in your diet can help solve this problem. It could also be a symptom of celiac disease which is why your body is not absorbing enough.

Nutrients now that you have an understanding of what to look for in terms of appearance and color you can always keep track of your health by looking for indicators although it's not good to jump to conclusions and settle on the worst possibility right away keeping your doctor informed about any changes wouldn't be a bad idea constipation is generally the main reason for an uncomfortable bowel movement diarrhea could be because you're not absorbing enough nutrients but if you fill your diet with nutrient-rich food and fiber you can get back to having healthy Brown stool every day floating poop ever looked in the toilet and found your stool floating I know it's pretty disgusting to talk about but we've made it this far right floating is a topic we can't ignore it means your feces lack the density it needs to sink experts associate floating stool with an increased amount of gas or water it could also be due to poor absorption of nutrients in that case you'll also experience other troubles like constipation are you really constipated this is an important question are you really having trouble going or does your digestive system simply take time to digest food experts to find it as having less than three Bell movements every week relieving yourself once twice or three times a day is absolutely normal and healthy but if you're having bowel movements two or three days apart it's a sign you're constipated you could be constipated for a lot of reasons nerve issues or blockage in and around your rectum or colon could be the culprit problems with pelvic muscles pregnancy diabetes and even your diet could leave you constipated your stool definitely says a lot about your health in case you're stuck with foul trouble eating more fiber can definitely help there are also effective ways to maintain a healthy.

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